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Kahindo wants to fight against sexual violence

Kahindo, 16, är en av World’s Childrens Prize modiga barnrättsambassadörer från D.R.Kongo – en av världens farligaste platser för flickor och kvinnor. Det här är hennes berättelse:
“I am the 2nd child in a family of five children. It has been seven years since my parents separated. I lived with my father and he forbade us from visiting our mother. One day I had gone to see my mother. Mad with rage my father had me seriously whipped before chasing me out of the house. Finally, I rejoined my mother and I live with her. It's been six months since my mother left for the field, away from our home, and I stayed alone in the house but on the same plot of land as my maternal uncle’s. I sell onions to pay school fees and other needs. I'm the first grade in secondary school.

One day a boy (neighbor) told me that if I can help sweep his house he will give me something for my needs. Suddenly when I was starting to sweep, the boy jumped on me and raped me. As it is viewed as shameful when a girl is raped here at home I stayed calm and endured the pain.

I want to become an ambassador for the rights of young girls… I want to fight against sexual violence, abuse, and child labor.”

Kahindo was trained as a Child Rights Ambassador by the World’s Children’s Prize and Yes Africa, one of our local partners in the D.R C.
2013-09-20 13:59   
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About the project

‘Rights and democracy for one million girls’ is an initiative being carried out all over the world by the World’s Children’s Prize Foundation, in collaboration with ECPAT Sweden and local organisations, with support from the Swedish Postcode Lottery.


About this blog

We post updates about girls’ rights and about the fight agains  commercial sexual exploitation of children. We also let children from around the world voice their thoughts and opinions here. Do you want us to publish your own story on the blog? Please write to us at or contact us here.
