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Child Rights Ambassador

Refuse to be silent!

On March 8, as we celebrate the International Women’s Day. Therefore, listen to Rachael, 15, one of our brave Child Rights Ambassadors:
“I grew up in the neighbouring country of Togo with my father. I have never seen my mother. When I was in Year 5, my father thought I should come to live with my aunt in Ghana and continue my education. I came and to begin with I was treated well, but everything changed the day that some money disappeared in the house. My aunt accused me even though I was innocent. She said it couldn’t possibly be her own children, because she hadn’t raised thieves! After that, she refused to pay my school fees. To be able to continue my education, I had to get a job carrying heavy mussel shells from the river up to the trucks. I even started doing laundry for people.
“How strange it is that my father sent me off to Ghana, but let my two brothers stay at home in Togo. That would never have happened if I had been a boy. It’s just not right!
“Now I am a WCP Child Rights Ambassador and a member of a Child Rights Club. It is fantastic. Before I knew nothing about my rights. I couldn’t stand up for myself with my aunt, and I obeyed her every wish. Now I know that I have a right to say what I think, to have my own opinions and to be listened to. That’s why I refuse to be silent any longer. I know that I have a right to go to school and I tell my aunt that. The Child Rights Club has given me the courage to demand respect for my rights!
“In the future I want to be a maths and science teacher.”
2014-03-08 13:00   
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About the project

‘Rights and democracy for one million girls’ is an initiative being carried out all over the world by the World’s Children’s Prize Foundation, in collaboration with ECPAT Sweden and local organisations, with support from the Swedish Postcode Lottery.


About this blog

We post updates about girls’ rights and about the fight agains  commercial sexual exploitation of children. We also let children from around the world voice their thoughts and opinions here. Do you want us to publish your own story on the blog? Please write to us at or contact us here.
