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Elisabete utnyttjades av sin lärare

One morning, when Elizabete from Bukavu in D.R. Congo was 13 years old, she went to school to take an exam. This is Elizabete’s story:

"I was in class when the teacher came to the class to distribute copies of the exam question. I asked him where my copy was, and he said he had not seen it… He told me to go check together with him at home. When we got there I was still checking his documents when he went to close the door and raped me. He shouted "I want to kill you."

Worldwide, nearly 50 per cent of all sexual assaults are against girls aged 15 years or younger. Some girls are even abused by their own teachers, who should be the ones to protect them. Elizabete, at 16, is ready to fight back. she recently took part in a training to become a WCP Child Rights Ambassador. She is ready to fight for the rights of girls, and make sure that what happened to her should not happen to other girls.
2013-09-25 14:28   
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Blessed Orphans Uganda, 07:18, 2013-10-11
These children are abused by their heartless family members too..Go Elisabete..Fight for voiceless girls out there. Good luck

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Här berättar vi om projektet "Rättigheter och demokrati för en miljon flickor", samt om flickors rättigheter och barnsexhandel. Vi vill också ge dig och andra barn chansen att göra era röster hörda här. Vill du att vi publicerar din berättelse på bloggen? Skriv till info@worldschildrensprize eller via det här formuläret.
