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Isabelles hemstad attackerades av soldater

Just 2 days before this picture was taken of Isabelle being interviewed by reporters, her home town of Bene was attacked by armed rebel forces. The attack was frightening but still, it did not stop Isabelle from attending this training workshop for World’s Children’s Prize Child Rights Ambassadors. Isabelle told the reporters from local radio stations and newspapers that she had come to the workshop to learn about child rights, and how to help other children – especially girls – to fight for their rights.

Isabelle and the other WCP Child Rights Ambassadors live in eastern DR Congo – one of the world’s most dangerous areas for children and women. Sexual and gender-based violence is used as a weapon by the numerous militia groups in the region. Tens of thousands of children have been kidnapped and used as child soldiers an sex slaves by the soldiers. But many girls like Isabelle are now fighting back, through education and advocacy.

During 2013, around 200 girls are being trained as Child Rights Ambassadors. Many of them have themselves been abused – others are at great risk of being so.
2013-08-08 17:05   
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Satsningen »Rättigheter & demokrati för en miljon flickor« har genomförts jorden runt av World’s Children’s Prize Foundation i samarbete med ECPAT Sverige och lokala organisationer, med stöd av Svenska PostkodLotteriet.


Om bloggen

Här berättar vi om projektet "Rättigheter och demokrati för en miljon flickor", samt om flickors rättigheter och barnsexhandel. Vi vill också ge dig och andra barn chansen att göra era röster hörda här. Vill du att vi publicerar din berättelse på bloggen? Skriv till info@worldschildrensprize eller via det här formuläret.
