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JANUARI. Human trafficking is a $32 billion global industry, the fastest growing and second largest criminal activity in the world, tied with arms and after drug dealing. US President Obama has proclaimed January as the National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. It is therefore fitting to listen to Bora, 16, from D.R. Congo.
When Bora was five years old, her father abandoned her because she was a girl. At 13 she was captured by an armed group and exploited as a sex slave.
Bora says: “Today I am a World’s Children’s Prize Child Rights Ambassador and I fight for girls’ rights. “Through talking to people at schools, we hope that other girls will be able to avoid the things that many of us ambassadors have experienced. It’s important that we tell both girls and boys about girls’ rights. If boys learn about girls’ rights now, there is less of a risk that they will treat their daughters or other girls the way my father and the soldiers treated me...I am not afraid to tell my story. The WCP has given me courage, and this work is far too important to go around being afraid!”
2014-01-15 13:52   
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Satsningen »Rättigheter & demokrati för en miljon flickor« har genomförts jorden runt av World’s Children’s Prize Foundation i samarbete med ECPAT Sverige och lokala organisationer, med stöd av Svenska PostkodLotteriet.


Om bloggen

Här berättar vi om projektet "Rättigheter och demokrati för en miljon flickor", samt om flickors rättigheter och barnsexhandel. Vi vill också ge dig och andra barn chansen att göra era röster hörda här. Vill du att vi publicerar din berättelse på bloggen? Skriv till info@worldschildrensprize eller via det här formuläret.
