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Mary fights for her rights!

“I went to sell tomatoes by the highway. One day a truck stopped an the driver asked me if I wanted to make more money than what I got from selling tomatoes. I said yes because I knew my mother would be happy if brought more money home. We are struggling to survive. The driver asked me to get into the truck. He then did something painful to me. But he said he would give me more money if I didn’t tell anyone. So I kept quiet. I thought I that way was helping my mother. He also introduced me to his friends. "
   Mary was a teenager in a desperate situation. But one day, a group of girls came to her school and talked about children's rights, girls’ rights. They asked if any of the girls there wanted to become Child Right Ambassadors. Mary instantly raised her hand.
   "When the girls came to speak to us about becoming a Child Rights Ambassador I listened to them speaking and I realized I had been seriously wronged. Now I want this man to go prison. I don’t know his name but I can identify him if I see him."
   Now, Mary is one of the proud Zimbabwean girls who have been trained as a Child Right Ambassador through the project "Rights and Democracy for One Million Girls". She says:
   "Every day I read my ambassadors manual and I tell other girls that I am a trained Child Rights Ambassador. I have a certificate showing that. Now I want to work for girls.”
2013-05-03 11:50   
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About the project

‘Rights and democracy for one million girls’ is an initiative being carried out all over the world by the World’s Children’s Prize Foundation, in collaboration with ECPAT Sweden and local organisations, with support from the Swedish Postcode Lottery.


About this blog

We post updates about girls’ rights and about the fight agains  commercial sexual exploitation of children. We also let children from around the world voice their thoughts and opinions here. Do you want us to publish your own story on the blog? Please write to us at or contact us here.
