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New Child Rights Ambassadors in Zimbabwe

»Children are being trafficked all over the world and people are coming as tourists to abuse children. We, as little Child Rights Ambassadors will inform them to stop!«
These words are spoken by Providence, 11 years old, during a workshop in Zimbabwe last week. She, and other vulnerable girls were trained to become World’s Children’s Prize Child Rights Ambassadors. Together they will work in schools around the country to raise awareness and support children – especially girls – who want to fight for their own and other children’s rights and against the child sex trade. Many of the participants said they will use singing as a way to teach other children about the difficult issues of girls’ rights and the child sex trade. Besmar 15, says: »I love to sing. I sing in my church, at home and in school. Now i will sing as an ambassador!«
Vimbai, 18, says: »The World´s Children´s Prize give the silent children a voice. We need to work harder for the rights of the girl here in Zimbabwe!«
The workshops in Zimbabwe were held by World’s Children’s Prize together with Girl Child Network, our partner in Zimbabwe. The project, Rights and Democracy for One Million Girls, is run jointly by World’s Children’s Prize and ECPAT Sweden, with funding from the Swedish Postcode Lottery.
2013-02-11 17:23    World’s Children’s Prize
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Satsningen »Rättigheter & demokrati för en miljon flickor« har genomförts jorden runt av World’s Children’s Prize Foundation i samarbete med ECPAT Sverige och lokala organisationer, med stöd av Svenska PostkodLotteriet.


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Här berättar vi om projektet "Rättigheter och demokrati för en miljon flickor", samt om flickors rättigheter och barnsexhandel. Vi vill också ge dig och andra barn chansen att göra era röster hörda här. Vill du att vi publicerar din berättelse på bloggen? Skriv till info@worldschildrensprize eller via det här formuläret.
