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Sarah - modig ambassadör

Sarah, 14, from Beni in D.R. Congo, tells us why she has become a Child Rights Ambassador for the World’s Children’s Prize – to fight for girls’ rights

"I am the 6th daughter in a family that doesn’t have any boys. The fact of being many girls in the family is a problem because our father does not take care of us girls and this has pushed my two older sisters into sin, as living conditions were becoming more and more difficult. Dad told me that I am a burden to him because I want to get married one day. It is my two sisters who pay for my studies and my clothes.
The girls in Yes-Africa whom I met asked me to calm down and to join their team to fight for the rights of the young girl.
|Now]My father has read the Globe Magazine and he has started to ask questions. I think that he will change progressively. This is why I, too, want to be an Ambassador for the rights of young girls.

Sarah was trained as a Child Rights Ambassador by the World’s Children’s Prize and Yes Africa, one of our local partners in D.R C. The training was part of the project ’Rights and Democracy for One Million Girls’ is run by WCPF together with ECPAT Sweden with funding from the Swedish Postcode Lottery.

Thank you Sarah, for being so brave!

Like Sarah’s father, you can learn from the WCP Magazine, the Globe. Read it online here:

2013-09-10 08:19   
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Satsningen »Rättigheter & demokrati för en miljon flickor« har genomförts jorden runt av World’s Children’s Prize Foundation i samarbete med ECPAT Sverige och lokala organisationer, med stöd av Svenska PostkodLotteriet.


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Här berättar vi om projektet "Rättigheter och demokrati för en miljon flickor", samt om flickors rättigheter och barnsexhandel. Vi vill också ge dig och andra barn chansen att göra era röster hörda här. Vill du att vi publicerar din berättelse på bloggen? Skriv till info@worldschildrensprize eller via det här formuläret.
