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Stop beating children!

“You have to stop beating children – it isn’t good for them. Talk to them instead,” says Nene, 16 from Liberia.

The Child Rights Club has changed Nene’s life. Students and teachers alike come to her for advice. When the principal is away, he usually asks Nene to read out messages to teachers or parents. She visits parents who won’t let their children go to school and makes them change their minds. At one Child Rights Club meeting, the group discussed the fact that many parents beat their children. Some children have scars on their bodies, others come to school with bruises, and others have to stay home because they have been beaten so badly.
“It’s just not right. People should not beat children,” says Nene. “What can we do to make them understand?
At the next Child Rights Club meeting Nene shared her ideas and helped to plan lots of activities. She had become brave and confident!
Nenes lives at the YAI children’s home run by 2013 Prize Candidate Kimmie Weeks. Read more about Nenes’s life and the work of Kimmie in the Globe Magazine.
2013-02-04 16:15   
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