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Think About: What is it like where you live?

After hearing Kwesi's story about being enslaved and doing hard labour, think about children where you live. Are many children forced to work – at home or outside the home? In markets, factories or shops? As maids or farm hands?

Below, you'll find a series of statements. Read each statement carefully, then move the lever under each one to indicate how much you agree or disagree, based on your own experiences and observations. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers here, and your responses will remain anonymous. This isn't a test!

Icon mirror.
I can relate to the feeling of not being able to influence my own life.
I don’t agreeI agree
Icon child labor.
Where I live, it is common for children to have a job.
I don’t agreeI agree
Icon laborer.
I know of youngster in my area who cannot keep up in school because they have to work.
I don’t agreeI agree
icon family.
Parents where I live often pressure children to choose a certain profession.
I don’t agreeI agree
Icon drowning
I know of children (under 18) who work under dangerous or unhealthy conditions.
I don’t agreeI agree
Icon man hitting child.
I am aware of situations where children (under 18) in my area work to pay off debts.
I don’t agreeI agree
Icon police man.
Where I live, many employers do not care about the laws against child labour.
I don’t agreeI agree