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Introduction: Become a Child Rights Ambassador

Listen to Kim, a Child Rights Ambassador from Zimbabwe, as she introduces you to the Changemaker Challenge. For the best listening experience, use headphones.

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I'm super excited to welcome you to the "Changemaker Challenge!" In just 10 steps, this course helps you to become a Child Rights Ambassador, just like me! The course can also guide you on educating and empowering others.

As an ambassador, I've gained a lot of knowledge and strength to champion children's rights. I've turned into a changemaker not just in my everyday life, but in my community, country, and believe it or not - even the world!

I share about children's rights, especially girls' equal rights, with everyone I meet - be it my family, friends, neighbors, or classmates. Sometimes, I even speak to local leaders and the media.

Whether you're in a study group, a teacher's training session, a classroom, or just chilling at home - the "Changemaker Challenge" is for you. It's packed with real stories of children who've faced rights violations, crisp facts about children’s rights, quizzes to test your knowledge, and mind-bending exercises.

While you're free to do the steps in any order, a tip from me: going from start to finish tends to flow better.

I hope you like this challenge. And hey, if you do, don't forget to tell your friends about it! The more young minds we can enlighten about children's rights, the brighter our future will be.

Ready to dive in? Let’s kick off our changemaker journey!

Girl holding diploma.
You will get your own certificate!

Get your certificate!

If you complete the entire course and pass all the quizzes, you will receive a certificate. Then, you can also teach what you have learned to others, ensuring that children where you live – and maybe your country and the world too –  benefit from more Child Rights Ambassadors! Remember to always click the button at the bottom of each page to save your progress and mark page as done! Then, you can also see which parts you have completed and what you have left, as the button will turn green, and a small checkmark will appear next to each step in the menu! Good luck!