The World’s Children’s Prize is open to all children and schools around the world. Become a Global Friend-school today – free of charge!
All students in a Global Friend-school, from 10 years old up to the year they turn 18, have the right to participate in the unique WCP Program, incuding in the Global Vote.
> Access the form to register your school here!
Global Friend schools receive:
• A Global Friend diploma
• The right to take part in the World’s Children’s Prize educational program, including the Global Vote, and Changemaker Day with , with Round the Globe Run for a better world.
When possible, you will also receive complimentary hard copies of the Globe (the WCP magazine with stories about children, Child Rights Ambassadors and Child Rights Heroes from around the world).
Can I join as an individual child?
You should, whenever possible, encourage your school to become a Global Friend-school. However, if you have tried hard to get your school to become a Global Friend but without success, go here.
Långgatan 13, 647 30, Mariefred, Sweden
Phone: +46-159-129 00 •
© 2020 World’s Children’s Prize Foundation. All rights reserved. WORLD'S CHILDREN'S PRIZE®, the Foundation's logo, WORLD'S CHILDREN'S PRIZE FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD®, WORLD'S CHILDREN'S PARLIAMENT®, WORLD'S CHILDREN'S OMBUDSMAN®, WORLD'S CHILDREN'S PRESS CONFERENCE® and YOU ME EQUAL RIGHTS are service marks of the Foundation.