The Convention on the Rights of the Child contains 54 articles, or paragraphs, which address various rights that you have if you are a child, ie under 18 years of age. Here is a selection of articles in the Convention on the Rights of the Child in a simplified version, for children and young people.
Here we present some of the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in an abbreviated version.
Article 1
These rights apply to all
children under 18 in the
Article 2
All children have the same
rights and should not be
discriminated against.
Nobody should treat you
badly because of your appearance,
your skin colour, your
gender, your language, your
religion, or your opinions.
Article 3
When adults make decisions
affecting children, they must
think about what is in the
best interests of the child.
Politicians, authorities and
the courts must consider how
their decisions affect children,
whether it is one child or
Article 6
You have the right to life, and
to be able to develop.
Article 7
You have the right to a
name and a nationality.
Article 9
You have the right to live with
your parents unless it’s bad for
You have the right to be
brought up by your parents,
if possible.
Article 12–15
You have the right to say what
you think. Your opinions
should be respected in all
matters concerning you – at
home, at school and by the
authorities and the courts.
Article 18
Your parents are jointly
responsible for your
upbringing and development.
They must always put your
interests first.
Article 19
You have the right to
protection from all forms of
violence, neglect, abuse and
mistreatment. You should
not be exploited by your
parents or other guardians.
Artiklar 20–21
You are entitled to receive
care if you have lost your
Article 22
If you are a refugee, you have
the right to protection and
assistance. If you are in a new
country, you have the same
rights as all other children
there. If you arrived alone,
you should be given help to
reunite with your family.
Article 23
All children have the right to
a good life. If you have a disability you have the right
to extra support and help.
Article 24
When you are sick, you have
the right to receive all the help
and care you need.
Artiklar 28–29
You have the right to go to
school and to learn about
important things, including
respect for human rights, your
own and other cultures and
the equal value of all people.
Article 30
The thoughts and beliefs of
every child should be respected.
If you belong to a minority,
you have the right to your own
language, your own culture
and your own religion.
Article 31
You have the right to play, rest
and free time, and the right to
live in a healthy
Article 32
You should not be forced to do
hazardous work that prevents
your schooling and damages
your health.
Article 34
No one should subject you
to abuse or force you into
commercial sexual exploitation.
If you are treated badly,
you are entitled to protection
and help.
Article 35
No one is allowed to kidnap
and/or sell you.
Article 37
No one should punish you
in a cruel and harmful way.
Article 38
You never have to be a
soldier or take part in armed
Article 42
You have the right to information
and knowledge about
your rights. Parents and other
adults should know about the
Convention on the Rights of
the Child.
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