The children in the World’s Children’s Prize Child Jury are experts on the rights of the child.
The Jury Children’s expertise comes through personal life experiences as, for example, debt slaves, child soldiers, street children or refugees, or other violations of the rights of the child. They all fight for the rights of the child.
• The children can stay on the Jury until the year they turn 18. Every jury child primarily represents all the children in the world who share the same experiences. However, they also represent children of their own country and continent. Whenever possible, the jury includes children from all continents and all major religions. Scroll down to meet the child jurors.
• The jury members share their life stories and what violations of the rights of the child that they have experienced themselves or that they fight for. In this way, they teach millions of children around the world about the rights of the child.
• Annually the Jury selects the three final candidates for the World’s Children’s Prize for the Rights of the Child from all those who have been nominated.
• The Jury children lead the World’s Children’s press Conference and the WCP Ceremony.
• The jury members are ambassadors for the World’s Children’s Prize in their home countries and throughout the world.
• During WCP week the jury visit schools around Sweden and talk about their lives and about the rights of the child.Långgatan 13, 647 30, Mariefred, Sweden
Phone: +46-159-129 00 •
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