On March 26 2021 many schools around the world arranged the Round the Globe Run for a Better World, after learning about the Rights of the Child and the Global Goals in the World's Children's Prize program.
In Lahore, Pakistan, children from debt slave families in brick kilns participated. And in the Gate school in Arvika, Sweden, children demanded everything from freedom and equality to an end to the exploitation of children as soldiers. After their manifestation, the students ran or walked three kilometers. So far close to 1,4 million children walked or ran 3 kilometers, which makes up more than 100 laps around the globe for a better world.
- It's fun when you find out that there are so many other people who also care, said Beata, 11 years old.
- You can save so many children just by telling them what they are entitled to. [Through WCP] we find out how they are doing in other countries. I really understand how good I am, says Agnes, 11.
"Each year has its own time slot so that we don't interfere with each other", explained Sofia, whose new colleague Johan took part in the work for the first time this year. "He tod me that "This brings the world closer to the students". I thought that was wise, as I feel that the students see and identify with the children that they can read about in The Globe. They get a sense of "we" and realize that there are good things happening in the world. It is so important to highlight everything that is good, all people and organizations that can make a difference to the everyday lives of individuals and in the long run change our future "
The Round the Globe Run is an initiative started by World's Children's Prize and Swedish Olympic Team with support from the Swedish Postcode Lottery.
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