Kruti as a magician
Kruti, Indien

Kruti was on the Child Jury in 2002 and is now an Honorary Adult Friend.

These are excerpts from the story about Kruti when she was a jury member:

One of Kruti’s magic shows in her home town of Bombay in India is about to begin.
’My friends, I-the magician Kruti Parekh-welcome you to my show! Sim Silabi Fu Fu Fu!’ Kruti pulls a green handkerchief from her pocket, and POOOF! A white dove flies out and sits calmly on Kruti’s shoulder. The crowd applauds. Kruti picks up a red silk cloth from the floor and says:
’Sim Silabi Fu Fu Fu!’
POOOF! Under the cloth is a house of cards one metre high. More applause. The tricks continue, one by one. Hit songs in Hindi are loud in the background. The audience is cheering, they love the show.
Suddenly Kruti raises her hand, the music stops and a hush falls over the room.

Eating paper
’My friends, I shall now present my environment show for you,’ says Kruti. ’We must keep the environment clean and green.’ Badu, Kruti’s assistant, enters the stage eating a banana. When he has eaten it up, he throws the peel on the floor.
’Please, sir, throw away the rubbish properly,’ says Kruti; and points to a box on a table.
Badu picks up the peel and puts it in the box.
’Thanks, sir,’ says Kruti, and knocks on the box with her magic wand.
’Sim Silabi Fu Fu Fu!’ POOOF! Bunches of flowers pop up out of the box.
’You see, my friends, if we discard our rubbish properly, we can change the world into a garden of roses!’
A pile of balled-up paper is lying on the table.
’I shall now turn myself into a recycling machine,’ says Kruti.
She starts sticking the paper into her mouth, bit by bit. Kruti’s cheeks swell up. She makes a sign to the crowd: Should she continue?
’Yes,’ they shout. ’More! More! More!’
Kruti sticks even more paper into her mouth. After a while she stops and raises her right hand. The audience is silent. She pokes her index finger and her thumb into her mouth and pulls-and out comes a long, coloured strip of paper. Kruti pulls out metre after metre of paper that falls in a pile at her feet. The crowd goes wild.
’You see, if we discard paper in the right place, we can recycle it and use it again!’

Text ©: Kim Naylor
Photo ©: Kim Naylor, Anders Jahrner, Tora Mårtens and Sofia Klemming


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