Bwami and his mum outside their house
Chains of Cause and Effect

What are the causes of the problems and challenges that the Child Rights Heroes are trying to solve? A whole class task, in which everyone helps identify causes in a discussion about how different factors can combine and create negative chains of cause and effect.


For the pupils to gain an understanding of how factors such as poverty and lack of gender equality give rise to many other violations of children’s rights.


Select a challenge to study. In this example we use the fact that 130 million girls in the world do not receive the education to which they are entitled.

Do it like this

  1. Briefly explain that millions of children in the world are not in school, although they should be.
  2. Write ‘children who are not in school’ on the board or on a large sheet of paper.

  3. Ask for reasons why some children are not in school, and denied the education that they have a right to. Participants might suggest ‘they are poor’, ‘they are lazy’, ‘they need to work’ or ‘war’. Write down all suggestions.
  4. When there are enough suggestions on the board, you can collectively begin drawing lines and arrows between them, and create a chain of cause and effect. Maybe some things should be removed, while others are missing, such as some of the most important causes of children not being in school: That they are girls and/or they have a disability (for example blind or unable to walk).
  5. Conclude with collective reflection. Give some positive examples from The Globe, where children have been given support to get an education.


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