Saw Eh Ta Taw portrait
Fight for children!

“Today, I took part in the Global Vote. The World’s Children’s Prize helps us to learn about our rights.”

“When we worked with the WCP at school I learnt lots of things that I didn’t know before, such as that children with functional variations have the same rights as other children. That’s not the case in our villages. Here, people look down on those children. Even their own parents look down on them. They often don’t go to school, and they don’t get to play with the other children. I think it’s terrible, and now I also know that it’s a violation of the child’s rights.

“I know a seven-year-old boy in a neighbouring village. He can’t walk, and he either has to crawl along or lie down. He doesn’t go to school, and he doesn’t play with the other children. But I’m his friend and we usually talk to each other. We both enjoy it. “When I’m older, I want to help children with various functional variations to be able to go to school. I’ve been really inspired by a former WCP prize winner called Manuel. He’s blind, and he fights for blind children’s rights in Guinea-Bissau in Africa. I want to be like him.”

Saw Eh Ta Taw, 14

Långgatan 13, 647 30, Mariefred, Sweden
Phone: +46-159-129 00 •

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