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If we act now!

There is hope! If everyone does their bit, we can reverse the trend. First of all, politicians and big business must take responsibility, but everyone can help by making changes, large and small, to their lifestyle and how they use resources.

Safety and security

If climate change is halted and everyone takes responsibility, this can bring about increased equality and gender equality. This reduces the risk of people and countries being drawn into violent conflicts over land and natural resources.

Reduced hunger

Everyone benefits from better harvests that are not destroyed by drought, storms or flooding. Families can provide for themselves and live comfortably, and children have enough to eat and are healthy.

Talk about the issue

Many people feel worried when they hear about climate change and a bleak future. It’s good to take the climate crisis seriously, but it’s equally important to feel positive and that there is hope. Talk to friends about it, get out into nature and pass on tips for small but positive changes to your everyday habits.

Sustainable living

Everyone needs to try and live more sustainably. But it is the emissions from and waste of resources by rich countries over a long period of time that are the biggest causes of the climate crisis. They must now support poorer countries, where most people are already using resources efficiently.

Clean water and hygiene

By saving water and combating climate change, we can improve access to clean water and hygiene facilities. Children will stay healthy, be able to go to school, play and develop.

We need everyone

You can get involved and fight for your right and the right of future generations to inherit a world where people and the environment are healthy. Adults and decision-makers must do all they can to halt climate change.

> What happens if we don’t act?


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