Pupils get to think about their own observations of their local environment, and look for solutions that could combat climate change.
- Begin individually: each student
has a few minutes to write down
their thoughts, at least three points.
- Get the students to sit in pairs:
each pair discuss and compare
their thoughts.
- Pair + pair: two pairs share their
thoughts with one another.
The group jointly selects which
three points they want to present
to the class.
- Each group presents their thoughts
and ideas to the whole class.
- Finish by discussing what you can
do collectively at school to draw
attention to Climate Change.
- What is climate change? Have you
seen any effects of it where you live?
- Have you noticed any changes in
weather patterns where you live?
Does it rain less or more now, than
in years past?
- Is it warmer or colder throughout
the year? What do older people say,
was it different when they grew up?
- How clean is the air where you live?
- Is there enough water in lakes and/
or streams/rivers where you live
(compared to before)?
- Have you noticed any negative
effects on animals and/or fish that
could be traced to pollution?
- How can you and other people
where you live contribute to
combatting climate change?
What solutions can you see?
- What is the responsibility of each
individual and what is down
to municipalities, government
and parliament, other countries,
companies or the UN? Are there
other parties that play a role?