Children in line holding signs
The Opinion Line

How equal are we in our class and school? Find out using a classic exercise.


To measure gender equality in your class and allow an opportunity for reflection.


Make sure you have a number of statements to hand. Make up your own, or use ones from the list below.

● Girls and boys always help out with household chores.
● Girls and boys have the same amount of time to do their homework.
● Girls and boys have equal free time to play and do sport.
● Boys have the right to decide over girls.
● Parents treat girls and boys equally.
● Girls should get to decide when they want to get married.
● Everyone have the right to decide whether they identify as a girl or a boy.
● Girls and boys have the same opportunities.

Do it like this

  1. Mark a line on the floor/ground using, for example paper or string. Ask all the participants to stand on the line. One end represents YES. Let the participants choose where to stand on the line based on how much or how little they agree with a particular statement. Explain that you will read out statements, and everybody will choose where to stand on the line based on how much or how little they agree with a particular statement. It is always OK to change your opinion and thus your position on the line, after having listened to other people’s arguments.
  2. Start with simple statements to help the participants understand the method, like: ‘Buses travel faster than bicycles’ or ‘Ice Cream taste better than apples’.
  3. Move on to statements about girls and boys in your community.


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Phone: +46-159-129 00 •

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