When Michael’s mother got lung cancer and ended up in a coma, she lost both her job and their beautiful house by the ocean.
Michael’s mother was in hospital in a coma for several months. Michael, who was 14 then, stayed with his best friend from the football team. Every other week, Michael stayed with his mother in the hospital. “It was hard. I had to grow up fast, and my mom became like a child I had to take care of.”
When his mother’s money ran out, she was moved to a cheaper hospital. The staff there were overworked and stressed. “They treat me like crap,” his mother cried. “I’m in terrible pain but they won’t give me enough painkillers because the hospital has to save money.”
When Michael’s mother was finally allowed to come home, they had nowhere to go. In the end they moved to a shelter. Michael didn’t tell anyone at school about what had happened. He was afraid that people would look down on him. His grades dropped, and he almost lost his place on the football team.
It is estimated that 35 million Americans under the age of 65 lack health insurance, and many are hit hard when they have to pay sky-high hospital bills. The USA comes pretty far down in the WHO (World Health Organisation) ranking of different countries’ healthcare systems.
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