Children in Pakistan weighing litter
No Litter Day Pakistan

In Pakistan thousands of children are part of the No Litter Generation and celebrate No Litter Day. Most of them are vulnerable children who want to stand up and fight for their rights.

Many of the children participating in No Litter Day are very poor. Some, like Sidra, actually collects litter everyday with her family, to recycle and sell. This helps the family make ends meet.
   "Sometimes we find toys. Most of the toys are damaged, but perfect for us to play with. We never buy new clothes, we only use clothes which we find in the garbage.” and vulnerable

Teaching adults

Nisha also struggles in life. She was born into a family of debt slaves at a brick kiln. But she has learned about her rights through the WCP program, and is proud to be a part of No Litter Generation.
   “I like the idea of us being the No Litter Generation", says Nisha. “Litter can be bad for everyone, people and animals. We must stop throwing litter everywhere and teach the adults to stop doing that. It will be nice to take part in No Litter Day together with children in other countries.

Nine boys in white and blue shirts standing in front of a brick wall, holding plastic bags
Two small boys in profile, standing close to each other in a line with other children
Children sitting inside a brick building
Children in blue shirts standing together facing the camera
No Litter Day press conference, children sitting at a table with microphones
Children in different ages walking together, carrying plastic bags with litter
Boys looking into the camera, holding plastic bags

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