Children in Pakistan weighing litter
Visit Pakistan in 360

Visit Sidra and Nisha, 12 years old, and their No Litter Day in Pakistan, with the help of Virtual Reality. Use the arrows to move around in the image. You can also watch it in full screen and/or use VR glasses for maximum effect!

Nisha works in a brick kiln

"The owner and the munshi (supervisor) do not treat the working children well", says Nisha. "They shout at us and often beat us cruelly. I become sad and speed up my work ... I want to be free from this work and only go to school. I work hard at my education. I want to be a doctor and open a hospital. I will then buy clothes and shoes for my mother and sister and they will not have to work at the brick kiln any longer. I will never leave school because I know that education is the only way to make life better."

The brick kiln where Nisha and her family work.

No Litter Day in Pakistan

Sidra’s home

Sidra’s family is very poor. She says: “We are born in these tents and will finish our life journey in these tents.
All members of her family collects litter and rubbish seven days a week. they sell it to vendors and buy food and pay school fees for Sidra and her siblings with the money.

Sidra’s school

“When I started going to school others also started sending their children to school. Through education I can get respect in society. I work hard to get an education and become a social worker, so that I can fight for the rights of our people."

Sidra’s school is always crowded with children.


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