Running feet
Round the World Run Partners

Round the Globe for Rights and Change started as a Special Project with funding from the Swedish Postcode Lottery – a collaboration between the World’s Children’s Prize Foundation and the Swedish Olympic Committee, supported by .

Today, the special project remains as part of the WCP program, when the "Round the Globe for Rights and Change" is organized on the children's own Changemaker Day.

Children in ten countries participated

A total of one million children participated in the special project phase. It included children from some of the world's poorest and most dangerous countries for children, especially girls. The countries participating in the project are, in addition to Sweden, Benin, Burkina Faso, the Philippines, Ghana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique, Nepal, Pakistan, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. In addition to these, schools in another 25 countries participated as they also received the educational material Globen.

The Swedish Olympic Committee

The Swedish Olympic Committee, SOC, is the supreme authority for the olympic movement within Sweden.

The Mission

The mission for SOC is to prepare and operate the country´s participation at the Olympic Games and contribute to competitive Olympic teams. Based upon this, SOC will strive ro:
• Give athletes possibility to evolve within sports no matter of background, sex or financial position
• Inspire people to evolve within sports
• Spread the Olympic values; friendship, respect and strive for excellence


Round the Globe for Rights and Change started as a collaboration between the World’s Children’s Prize Foundation and the Swedish Olympic Committee, supported by the Swedish Postcode Lottery.


Långgatan 13, 647 30, Mariefred, Sweden
Phone: +46-159-129 00 •

© 2020 World’s Children’s Prize Foundation. All rights reserved. WORLD'S CHILDREN'S PRIZE®, the Foundation's logo, WORLD'S CHILDREN'S PRIZE FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD®, WORLD'S CHILDREN'S PARLIAMENT®, WORLD'S CHILDREN'S OMBUDSMAN®, WORLD'S CHILDREN'S PRESS CONFERENCE® and YOU ME EQUAL RIGHTS are service marks of the Foundation.
