Before arranging a Global Vote day you will study the Globe Magazine and learn together with your friends about the Rights of The Child and democracy, the WCP Candidates and the children they fight for.
Once you know all about your rights, about the WCP Candidates and got the hang of how democracy works, it’s time to start preparing your own Global Vote Day.
Secret ballot
A lot of preparation is needed to make sure that the Global Vote is a democratic election, in which voters are guaranteed that their vote will be kept secret. No-one should know who you voted for unless you tell them yourself.
You need to prepare an Electoral register. Everyone who has the right to vote should be on the lists and should be ticked off when they are given their ballot paper, or when they vote. Also prepare ballot papers. Download them here or make your own.
Voting booths
You can borrow voting booths from the adult’s elections, or make your own. Enter the booths one at a time so that no-one sees who you’re voting for.
Ballot boxes
These can be made out of cardboard boxes, for example, a large can or woven palm leaves.
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