Boy voting, a voting queue can be seen behind him
Global Vote for your rights

Changemaker Day begins with the children’s own democratic Global Vote. You make your voice heard and help decide who will receive the World’s Children’s Prize for the Rights of the Child.

To date, 47 million children have voted to choose their favourite Child Rights Hero. Some schools start off the day with singing and dancing, perhaps even a speech, to celebrate children’s rights and to launch their school’s Changemaker Day.

Remember! Nobody else should be able to influence your decision. Not your friends, teachers, or parents. In addition, nobody should be able to find out who you voted for unless you want to tell them yourself.

This is how you do it!

  1. Line up.
  2. First in line steps up to meet the voting officials.
  3. Walk to the voting booth.
  4. Step into the voting booth alone, mark the ballot paper and fold it before stepping out.
  5. Place the folded ballot paper in the ballot box. Voting completed!
  6. Receive a mark that prevents cheating. Get checked off in the voting register.
  7. Count the votes and announce your result.
  8. Count the votes and announce your result. Report the number of votes for each candidate to the WCP!

Långgatan 13, 647 30, Mariefred, Sweden
Phone: +46-159-129 00 •

© 2020 World’s Children’s Prize Foundation. All rights reserved. WORLD'S CHILDREN'S PRIZE®, the Foundation's logo, WORLD'S CHILDREN'S PRIZE FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD®, WORLD'S CHILDREN'S PARLIAMENT®, WORLD'S CHILDREN'S OMBUDSMAN®, WORLD'S CHILDREN'S PRESS CONFERENCE® and YOU ME EQUAL RIGHTS are service marks of the Foundation.
