Martin Luther King waving to a crowd
Follow the timeline

Begin with the timeline of the history of democracy and then look at the parallel trend in your country or in an entire region or continent.


To provide knowledge and create an understanding that democratic development takes a long time, often by people fighting for equal rights and the right to vote.


Use The Globe or the timeline online, large pieces of paper, pencils and paints.

Do it like this

  1. Study the timeline of the history of democracy in The Globe or online.
  2. Split learners up into pairs/groups to make a timeline of democratic development in their country.
  3. Gather the class to make a timeline together, with each pair/group giving suggestions from their own timeline.
  4. Ask learners to comment: Was anything surprising? Have they learned anything new? What do they hope will be the next point on the timeline for their own community, and for the world?


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