Maiti Nepal and its founder Anuradha Koirala fight against the slave trade in girls from Nepal, who are trafficked to brothels in India.
Maiti prevents poor girls from being lured to brothels by educating and informing them. They take care of and support girls who have been held in brothels in India, and run a clinic for girls who have been infected with HIV. Some of the girls have become Maiti border guards, who stop human traffickers when they try to bring girls abroad. In 2002, Maiti Nepal and its founder Anuradha Koirala received The World's Children's Prize for its long and dangerous fight against the traffickers
Maiti works with Rescue Center in Mumbai in India, whose employees risk their lives to free girls locked up in brothels. Together with Maiti, World’s Children’s Prize trains girls in Nepal to become Child Rights Ambassadors.
Learn more about Maiti in the Globe Magazine:
Text: Sofia Klemming
Photos: Tora Mårtens
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Phone: +46-159-129 00 •
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