On No Litter Day, children in lots of different countries come together to pick up litter at their school, where they live or in their village.
You belong to the No Litter Generation., changing things for a better world, and on this day in particular for a cleaner, healthier world.
On No Litter Day children everywhere organize their No Litter Day. Clean up and spread the word about the importance of a cleaner, healthier environment for all children. You can arrange a No Litter Day on any day druing the year.
Visit No Litter Day in Pakistan i 360 VR!
Use the arrows to "walk around" in the picture.
This is how you and your friends can join the No Litter Generation:
1. Study and discuss the content of this No Litter magazine.
2. Talk about how the place where you live can be litter-free.
3. Tell your family, friends and neighbours about the problem with litter and waste. Share what you’ve learned and talk to them about how they can help keep your street or village litter-free.
4. Hold your own No Litter Day. Be careful not to hurt yourself on the litter and get help from an adult if you find something that is sharp or dangerous in some other way.
5. Celebrate your efforts!
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