Ann Skelton grew up under the violent Apartheid regime in South Africa. When she was 15 years old, black children her age who protested were being shot and jailed.
As a young prosecutor she saw children who had been beaten by police and bitten by police dogs, and who were sentenced to whipping. Ann became a lawyer fighting for children's rights and has written laws protecting them. She takes children's cases to court. When she wins those cases, many children in similar situations to her clients are helped. She says: “Children are people. They need the opportunity to participate in the decisions that affect their lives”. Ann was awarded by the World’s Children’s Prize Foundation in 2012 for her more than 20 year long fight for the rights of children affected by the justice system.
Långgatan 13, 647 30, Mariefred, Sweden
Phone: +46-159-129 00 •
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